Identifying the key performance indicators (KPIs) for measuring the success of BPO customer support services.



In today’s competitive business environment, outsourcing has become an increasingly popular option for companies looking to reduce costs and increase efficiency. Business process outsourcing (BPO) and knowledge process outsourcing (KPO) have emerged as popular solutions for organizations seeking to outsource their customer support services. BPO and KPO services have become an essential component of many companies’ overall strategy for managing their back-office operations. However, the effectiveness of BPO customer support services depends on how well the organization measures its success. In this article, we will discuss the key performance indicators (KPIs) for measuring the success of BPO customer support services.

Identifying the key performance indicators (KPIs) for measuring the success of BPO customer support services.

Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) and Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO)

Business process outsourcing (BPO) is a form of outsourcing in which a company hires an external provider to perform some or all of its business functions. These functions can include customer support services, back-office operations, and data entry. Knowledge process outsourcing (KPO) is a more specialized form of outsourcing in which companies outsource knowledge-based activities such as research and development, financial analysis, and legal services.

Outsourcing Services

Outsourcing services have become increasingly popular in recent years, as companies look to reduce costs and increase efficiency. Outsourcing services can include everything from customer support services to manufacturing and production. The key benefit of outsourcing services is that it allows companies to focus on their core competencies while outsourcing non-core functions to external providers.

back-office Services

back-office services are those services that support a company’s front-end operations. These services can include everything from accounting and finance to human resources and IT support. The primary benefit of outsourcing back-office services is that it allows companies to focus on their core business functions while outsourcing non-core functions to external providers.

Offshore Outsourcing

Offshore outsourcing is a type of outsourcing in which a company hires an external provider located in a foreign country to perform some or all of its business functions. Offshore outsourcing has become increasingly popular in recent years due to the lower labor costs and the availability of skilled labor in countries like India and the Philippines.

KPO Solutions

KPO solutions are specialized outsourcing services that focus on knowledge-based activities such as research and development, financial analysis, and legal services. KPO solutions are typically more complex than BPO solutions and require specialized knowledge and expertise.


dAtlantics is a research and development company that specializes in providing outsourcing services to businesses across a range of industries. dAtlantics offers a range of outsourcing services, including BPO and KPO solutions, to help companies reduce costs and increase efficiency.

Importance of Measuring KPIs for BPO customer support Services

Measuring KPIs for BPO customer support services is essential to ensure that the services are effective and delivering the desired results. KPIs help organizations to identify areas of improvement and to track progress over time. Without KPIs, it is difficult to measure the success of BPO customer support services and to determine whether they are delivering the desired outcomes.

Effective KPIs for BPO customer support Services

· Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is a critical KPI for measuring the success of BPO customer support services. Customer satisfaction can be measured using various metrics, including Net Promoter Score (NPS), Customer Effort Score (CES), and Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT). Measuring customer satisfaction helps organizations to understand how satisfied their customers are with the services provided by the BPO provider.

· 2. First Call Resolution (FCR)

First Call Resolution (FCR) is another critical KPI for measuring the success of BPO customer support services. FCR measures the percentage of calls that are resolved on the first call.

· 3. Average Handle Time (AHT)

Average Handle Time (AHT) measures the average time it takes for a customer service representative to handle a customer’s inquiry or problem. A high AHT can indicate that the customer service representative is not trained or knowledgeable enough to handle the issue, or that the process is too complex or inefficient. Reducing AHT can lead to higher customer satisfaction and lower costs for the organization.

· 4. Service Level

Service level measures the percentage of calls or inquiries that are answered within a certain timeframe, typically within a few seconds or minutes. A high service level indicates that the BPO provider is providing timely and efficient customer support services. A low service level can lead to frustrated customers and lost business.

· 5. Agent Utilization

Agent utilization measures the percentage of time that customer service representatives are actively working on customer inquiries or problems. A high agent utilization rate indicates that the BPO provider is using its resources efficiently. A low agent utilization rate can lead to inefficiencies and higher costs for the organization.

· 6. Escalation Rate

Escalation rate measures the percentage of calls or inquiries that are escalated to a higher level of support or management. A high escalation rate can indicate that the customer service representatives are not trained or knowledgeable enough to handle the issues, or that the process is too complex or inefficient. Reducing the escalation rate can lead to higher customer satisfaction and lower costs for the organization.

· 7. Quality Assurance

Quality assurance measures the quality of customer support services provided by the BPO provider. Quality assurance can be measured using various metrics, including call monitoring, call scoring, and customer feedback. Measuring quality assurance helps organizations to identify areas of improvement and to ensure that the BPO provider is providing high-quality customer support services.

· 8. Cost

Cost measures the cost of providing customer support services. The cost can be measured using various metrics, including cost per call, cost per interaction, and cost per customer. Measuring cost helps organizations to identify areas of inefficiency and to ensure that the BPO provider is providing cost-effective customer support services.

Effective KPIs for KPO Solutions

· Accuracy

Accuracy measures the accuracy of the research or analysis provided by the KPO provider. Accuracy can be measured using various metrics, including error rate and quality of data. Measuring accuracy helps organizations to ensure that the KPO provider is providing accurate and reliable research or analysis.

· 2. Turnaround Time

Turnaround time measures the time it takes for the KPO provider to deliver the research or analysis to the organization. Turnaround time can be measured using various metrics, including average turnaround time and percentage of projects delivered on time. Measuring turnaround time helps organizations to ensure that the KPO provider is delivering research or analysis in a timely manner.

· 3. Expertise

Expertise measures the knowledge and expertise of the KPO provider in the specific area of research or analysis. Expertise can be measured using various metrics, including qualifications, experience, and certifications. Measuring expertise helps organizations to ensure that the KPO provider has the necessary skills and knowledge to provide high-quality research or analysis.

· 4. Quality Assurance

Quality assurance measures the quality of the research or analysis provided by the KPO provider. Quality assurance can be measured using various metrics, including peer review, customer feedback, and quality of data. Measuring quality assurance helps organizations to ensure that the KPO provider is providing high-quality research or analysis.

· 5. Cost

Cost measures the cost of providing research or analysis. The cost can be measured using various metrics, including cost per project, cost per analysis, and cost per hour. Measuring cost helps organizations to identify areas of inefficiency and to ensure that the KPO provider is providing cost-effective research or analysis.

In conclusion, identifying the key performance indicators (KPIs) for measuring the success of BPO customer support services and KPO solutions is crucial for ensuring effective and efficient services. By measuring these KPIs, organizations can identify areas of improvement and ensure that their BPO and KPO providers are providing high-quality services that meet their specific needs and requirements.

For BPO customer support services, the key performance indicators include customer satisfaction, first call resolution rate, average handle time (AHT), service level, agent utilization, escalation rate, quality assurance, and cost. On the other hand, for KPO solutions, the key performance indicators include accuracy, turnaround time, expertise, quality assurance, and cost.

By focusing on these key performance indicators, organizations can improve their customer support services, reduce costs, and enhance their overall business operations. It is important to note that while these KPIs are essential for measuring the success of BPO and KPO solutions, organizations should also consider their specific goals and objectives when selecting and prioritizing these indicators.

dAtlantics Research and Development Company understands the importance of measuring key performance indicators for delivering high-quality BPO and KPO solutions. With their expertise and experience, they provide customized solutions that meet the unique needs and requirements of their clients.

